Washington State Senior Games
Rock Climbing
Friday, July 25, 2025
Rules review: 10:00 am
Event begins at 10:30 am and ends at 1:30 pm
Event begins at 10:30 am and ends at 1:30 pm
Ken Thomas
Rock Climbing – individual
- Registration fee: $35 ($25 if postmarked by May 20)
- Event fee: $10
- More information on fee details
Registration Rules:
- On-site registration is authorized; pre-registration is preferred.
- All participants must complete/submit a liability release waiver for the Cirque Climbing Gym.
Age Categories: 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69,
70-74, 75-79, 80-84, 85-89, 90-94, 95-99, 100+
- Note: The age division for participants is based on how old they will be on December 31, 2025
- Should you not have your own, all climbing equipment is provided by the Cirque Climbing Gym at no additional fee.
- Climb (using a top rope) as many routes as you prefer within the three designated hours. Belayers will be provided.
- Skill level of routes available to climb range from options for first timers to highly advanced participants. Limited lead routes available for advanced climbers who wish to do so.
- Points will be assigned to each route in the climbing gym based on its difficulty. The more difficult the route, the higher the point value.
- Points are received for completed routes.
- Final score is the sum of participant’s top 3 completed routes.
- Medals will be awarded for top 3 highest final scores in each age division (for both men and women). The previous practice of awarding an overall high scoring male and female winner has been discontinued.